Wow, it's been so long since I blogged that I don't know if I know how anymore. I used to have links and pics and rough drafts, but I think we can all agree that blogging is dead. As is my YouTube channel unless Santa brings be some inspiration for Xmas.
But enough about that. You're here for books! And lucky you, I have a new one coming out December 9th, 2024. It's a fun one where Corbin gets caught up in Kirin's life and friends as they're investigating a new magical drug that's hit the streets of NYC. Think if Buffy and her Scooby gang went up against the Barksdale Corp from The Wire (which does get a shoutout in the book).
Preorders are already up for $3.99, which it will stay for a week. So go grab it while it's cheap(er).
I'll also be making Rites of Passage FREE for the 9-13th 2024, so grab that then if you haven't already.
And that's all I got. I'll probably have a few cocktails and blog the night before launch, as is my wont.
And no, I don't know if that's a promise or a threat.
Although I guess they're not mutually exclusive.