[From the Biba Sacara, Book 1, Chapter 1]
In the beginning there was Sol.
And Sol wandered the void, the black spaces between the stars until His wanderings led Him to the empty Ayr. And upon finding Ayr Sol was pleased and marveled at its beauty.
For eons Sol wandered the empty Ayr, enraptured at the land and waters so unlike the void He had known before. And so Sol knew He had found His home.
But nothing breathed upon the land or waters, nothing with life to share Ayr with Him. And so Sol despaired.
So Sol grasped His legs, tearing them away and releasing His lifeblood to pour over Ayr. And where each drop fell living things sprung up to cover the land and seas, each with one drop of His blood making the Body. And Sol called these beings Plants, each a part of Sol though they were now separate from Him.
Sol knew His new beings were good and was pleased. And so He wandered Ayr another eon, now slower due to the sacrifice of His legs.
But soon Sol despaired again that there was nothing with a Mind to share this new beauty with Him. So Sol tore off His left arm, and where His sacred blood dropped new creatures sprang up. Each of these new creatures contained two drops of His blood making up the Body and the Mind. And Sol called these creatures Animals, each a part of Sol though they were now separate from Him.
Sol knew His new creatures were good and was pleased. And so Sol wandered among the Animals, now slower due to the sacrifice of His arm.
But soon Sol despaired again that there was nothing like Himself with a Soul to take pleasure in Ayr. So Sol performed the greatest sacrifice and tore off His own head where His Soul resided. At this all His life rushed out, fragmenting into Breath to sweep over Ayr. And from His Breath Man sprang up, each with a Body, Mind and Soul like Sol.
And these were the Children of Sol.
The Children of Sol awoke to behold the beauty of Ayr and thanked Sol for His sacrifice. And they knew they were Sol’s chosen because they reflected their creator and took dominion over the Plants and Animals, over all that swam in the sea, flew through the sky, or walked upon the land. And so the Children of Sol multiplied and filled Ayr with their descendants, making it their own.
And the Children of Sol knew this was good and were pleased.
With new eyes they beheld Ayr and Sol’s Breath flowing between the Plants, Animals and Man as Ley. And they knew each Breath belonged to Sol, inhabiting the form of Plant, Animal or Man for but a time before returning to the flow to live again in a new form.
And the Children of Sol knew life rolls on so long as Sol’s Breath flows freely on Ayr. And so it will continue until each fragment of Sol has fastened with every other and Sol is again whole to return for the Harvest.
What can be swallowed,
But can also swallow you?